Home Economist and food styling
Since time immemorial the term “home economics” has been synonymous with cooking and food. While this fact rings true, there is more to home economics than just food and culinary art. It’s a combination of a plethora of aspects that interrelate to form one course study. These elements include finance, parenting skills, cooking, nutrition, and science. Home economists learn the relationships between these aspects and the management of resources.
The essence of a home economist learning all these aspects and their interrelation is not just to make them professionals in the field, but to also provide them valuable and necessary insight about the profession. This, in turn, helps them to:
• Comprehend modern eating patterns and the role the consumer plays in affecting them
• Importance of good health and overall nutrition to the body
• Choose the best types of foods to be eaten and how food behaves under different circumstances.
• Plan on the best ways to cook healthy, nutritious and economical meals, and
• Find out what’s precisely contained in foods that we consume daily
What Do Home Economist Do?A home economist may choose to be a generalist, or better, specialise in a particular subject area of their choice. Home economists can, amongst all other things, involve themselves with teaching and educating the community, informing, advising the government and the general industry on how to make improvements and informed choices of their lifestyles. Some aspects of food styling require a more specialised and trained stylist, for example, working with ice creams, coffees and other more complex projects, a home economist is called for due to their knowledge and experience in particular fields.
Home economists are, in reality, competent in many areas of culinary, including food styling. They are also involved with designing and evaluation of products, design and planning of meals, offering assistance on matters health, teaching independent skills to all and sundry and by extension, they make good educationists. Often they’re mistaken for food stylists – well; that’s because they are. They cook, arrange food and sometimes special effects for stills and video shoots together with props masters and special effects designers.
Besides law and advocacy, home economists make good restaurant managers, hospital and school administrators thanks to their nutrition, menu planning and food designing skills. (Family and Consumer Sciences is the modern name for home economics).
If you are interested in hiring a home economist and food stylist for your project, contact us on [email protected]
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