Style Department | Photo Production | Branston

Branston Pickle – LeftOvers
Food Stylist and Recipe Creation: Steffi Knowles-Dellner represented by Style Department

Style Department were approached by the UK’s best-loved sweet pickle brand Branston to work together and we jumped at the chance. Briefed to produce a fun shoot, incorporating Christmas leftovers, and creating recipes that are quick, entertain the whole family and keep everyone going in that Twixmas period. We feel we rather rose to the challenge!

Steffi was not only the food stylist for the shoot, she was also tasked with creating original recipes incorporating Branston Pickle. Steffi also had to use the left over food from the festive season in her recipes, and she devised some rather creative recipes that were far removed from the boring turkey sandwiches one eats on Boxing Day.

Style Department’s credits include:

Photographer: Joff Lee

Recipes and food styling: Steffi Knowles-Dellner

Props: Pene Parker

Production: Style DepartmentThe shoot took place in Joff Lee’s studio in Clerkenwell.

Steffi Knowles-Dellner, professional food stylist, Branston Pickle, Style Department, bruschetta

Steffi Knowles-Dellner, professional food stylist, Branston Pickle, Style Department, coronation chicken Steffi Knowles-Dellner, professional food stylist, Branston Pickle, Style Department,nachos