We have a feature at Production Paradise. You can  have a look at the full feature showcasing  our stylists work here:  STYLE  DEPARTMENT at Production Paradise

Contact us for more info and  bookings: [email protected]prod paradise spotlight food and prop stylists


1food stylist becci woods ph polly wreford client the white company

Food stylist: Becci Woods Photographer: Polly Wreford Client: The White Company

food stylist becci woods ph henrik knudsen client ba

Food stylist: Becci Woods photographer: Henrik Knudsen Client : BA

food stylist phil mundy ph walter zak wall of images

Food stylist : Phil Mundy @ Style Department Ph: Walter Zak

1food stylist julia azzarello ph scott kimble client kelloggs

Food stylist: Julia Azzarello . Photographer: Scott Kimble

drink and food stylist sue townsend ph con poulos client waitrose 2

Food stylist: Sue Townsend. Photographer: Con Polous. Client: Waitrose

drink styling katy mcclelland ph nassima rothacker drinks recipe mr lyan ryan chetiyawardana props wei tang waitrose cocktails queen

Drink Stylist: Katy McClelland photographer: Nassima Rothacker

food styling phil mundy ph joff lee studio client asda

Food stylist: Phil Mundy Photographer: Joff Lee Studio Client: Asda

food stylist julia azzarello photographer susan bell 1

food stylist: Julia Azzarello Photographer: Susan Bell for Food & Travel

food stylist katy mcclelland seafood ph casey lazonick

Food stylist: Katy McClelland ph: Casey Lazonic

food stylist sue townsend photographer aaron tilley client waitrose

Food stylist: Sue Towsend Photographer: Aaron Tilley Client: Waitrose

prop set by pene parker photography by steven joyce

Props and Set: Pene Parker ph: Steven Joyce

propsset by pene parker ph by romas foord observer food monthly

Props: Pene Parker ph: Romas Foord for OFM